Friday, 11 February 2011

Another go at the gum over cyanotype

After the last attempt, I decided that the orangey red highlights went well with the base cyanotype blue and I reprinted the negative as a slightly darker/crisper cyanotype.

This time I dressed the papaer over the top of the dried cyanotype with acrylic gesso and laid the surface off with clean water then allowed it to dry.,  The resulting slightly grainy surface provided a good key for the next gum layer.

After the last attempt, I realised that my gum was too loaded with pigment and this time I diluted it to the point that you could see the mixing dish through the colour.  Applying the sensitized gum to the gesso finish was quite easy and gave a nice, even finish.

5 minutes under the UV tubes and I put the print face down on a tray of warm water to develop.  After 20 minutes I drained it off and found that the highlights had a pleasant peachy hue and the shadows still looked reasonably blue.  A successful run, I think...

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